Have you ever experienced first-hand the day-to-day operations of a working farm? Or tasted artisan cheese right on the grounds where it was made? You can do all that and more at P. A. Bowen Farmstead right here in Brandywine.
History of the Farm
The P. A. Bowen farm sits on a tract of land first established by Thomas Truman in 1665. He built a house on the property, which serves as the present-day kitchen. The property was later owned by Philander A. Bowen who built the current house and moved his family in around 1870. The Bowens built a self-sufficient community on the property, whose buildings included a brick stable, meat house, ice house, corn crib, tobacco barns, tenant homes, and other functional buildings. The Bowens lived on the farm until 1927, and today only one tobacco barn remains of the original outbuildings.
The Farm Today
Geoffrey and Sally Morell are the current owners of P. A. Bowen Farmstead. The Morells have lovingly restored the original 2.5-story farmhouse, which is considered to be an excellent example of Italianate colonial architecture. They operate a mixed-species pasture-based farm, and they employ organic and biodynamic farming methods. They raise Jersey cows, named after famous opera singers and characters; laying hens and meat birds; and Berkshire, Tamworth, and spotted heritage pigs. In addition to their livestock farming, the Morells also produce four varieties of artisan cheese, including Prince George’s Blue and Chesapeake Cheddar. The Morells hope to inspire other farmers with their integrated farming techniques. They want to help bring prosperity to Southern Maryland and to farmers everywhere.
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Visit the Farm
The Morells offer walking tours of the farm every Saturday at 11:00 a.m., so you can come out and experience it for yourself. On the tour visitors can see the dairy operations and learn about the cheese-making process. They can also see first-hand how the farm animals are raised with natural pasture-based practices. The Morells have a farm store, which is open year-round Thursday through Saturday and by appointment. There they sell their own artisan cheeses; pastured beef, pork, chicken, and turkey; natural raw milk for pets; and pastured chicken eggs. They also sell crafts from local artists, organically-grown seasonal produce, and fermented foods.
The tours are available for both individuals and groups, though they’re not recommended for children under age 5.
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